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Holy Smokes… “My” Website Is Five Years Old… And The Lady Still Grabs The Glory…

SG 2011In 2004 I wandered into a Burbank backyard that reminded me of The Garden of Eden, the idyllic one before the unfortunate “forbidden fruit incident”.

The Lady and The Man were sitting on their patio enjoying cocktail hour while a flock of birds were enjoying their own cocktail hour, eating fermented berries off a tree in the next yard. What caught my attention was the laughter; they were having so much fun watching the birds partake of the fruit, get stoned and fall out of the tree. (No birds were harmed; they’d just lay on the ground for a few minutes and then fly back into the tree and order another round.) We’ve come a long way since that day… I’ve gained more than I’ve lost… well, with the exception of my balls, I’ve gained a lot but so has The Lady… she gets to hang out with moi…

From Burbank we headed north to the Pacific Northwest and The Lady began to disappear for several hours daily, leaving me to wrangle The Man. It turns out she went to work at a place called “Freddies” selling Cheese, Glorious Cheese… I resented her being gone during the day and made sure she knew it… then one day she brought home a triangle of cheese named No Woman and life as The Lady and I knew it changed yet again…

I began writing my thoughts on Cheese: reviewing, educating, having fun… and I got to spend more time with The Lady; dictating my thoughts to her and having her share them with you… and here we are five years later; more than 700 postings; 61 additional pages of information; hundreds of recipes using cheese; more than 1000 cheeses reviewed; more than 380K unique visitors; more than 750K page views and more than  8,000,000 hits.

The Lady and I thank you for your loyalty to our website… stay tuned… we’re just getting started…

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