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2018 ACS BOK Weights, Measurements and Math Sample Questions with Answers

2018 ACS BOK Weights, Measurements and Math Sample Questions with Answers

Even though already posted in the Facebook Cheese Study Group by Elizabeth Nerud, ACS CCP, this set of questions regarding math, weights and measurements is worth posting again. Definitions and Answers at bottom of page.

  1. Epoisses comes in and we need to figure out what our gross margin percentage is. Our supplier is charging us $16.35 lb. The Retail price is $36.00 lb. What is our gross margin%?
  2. You are currently selling a Zola gouda for $18.50 lb. You know your gross margin on the Zola is 52%. What is your cost for this product?
  3. A customer wants to order 400 grams of Gruyere. How much is this in pounds?
  4. Our suppliers cost for a 3 kilogram wheel of brie is $6.75 lb. They include a 15% markup on this cheese. We also know that our gross margin is 45%. What would the final retail cost of this cheese be?
  5. You need to find out how much cheese has been marked up. You know that you are paying $15.35 lb for the cheese and you are charging $35.00 lb. What is your markup %?
  6. For Danish Fontina your retail is $13.00 lb and your gross margin is 45%. What is the cost for this item?
  7. In a cheese that is 57% moisture and 70% fat in dry matter. How much fat would you find in 7 oz of this cheese?
  8. A customer comes in and wants 2 kilos of Comte. How many pounds would you need to cut for this customer?
  9. The distributor for your West Country Farmhouse Cheddar is getting charged $12 kilo of cheese. They are also adding in a 15% markup per pound. Our gross margin on this product is 47%. What is the final retail cost per pound of this product?
  10. We need to find out the cost of a wheel of Rembrandt because we lost our sales invoice. We know it is $22.00 lb retail and that our gross margin is 54%. What would the cost of this wheel be?
  11. You have a wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano that costs you $12 lb to bring in. How much would this cost for a Kilo of cheese?
  12. If Saint Angel is 72% FDM and 60% moisture, how much fat would be in 2 lbs of the cheese?
  13. I got in a wheel of Abondance, I know that it cost me $25.62 lb and that my gross margin on this particular cheese is 56%. What would the retail cost for this cheese be?
  14. If I paid $16.75 for mimolette and my distributor has a 35% markup, what was the original cost of the product?
  15. I have a soft ripened cheese that is 40% moisture and 65% FDM, this cheese currently costs me $15078 lb to purchase from our distributor. If I have 18 oz of cheese, how much am I paying for each ounce of fat in the cheese?


Margin Formula: Margin= Retail-Cost/ Retail

Markup Formula: Markup = Retail-Cost/ Cost

FDM Formula: Total Cheese 100% – Moisture % = dry matter % Total Cheese 0z x dry matter %= dry oz

Grams to Pounds Formula: 1000 grams= 1 Kilogram; 2.2 lb = 1 Kilogram

Cost % Formula: 100%- gross margin = cost % Cost % x Retail= Cost for product


  1. 58%
  2. 8.88
  3. .88
  4. 14.11
  5. 128%
  6. 7.15
  7. 2.11 oz fat
  8. 4.4 lbs
  9. 11.85
  10. 10.12
  11. 26.40
  12. 9.09 oz fat
  13. 58.23
  14. 10.89
  15. .0986 oz fat

In addition to being an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.

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