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Nicola Tesla: A Man Before His Time – Identifying Real Time Travelers by Peter M. Wright

Nicola Tesla (1856 – 1943) began inventing at age 11. One of his most intriguing inventions was an electric car engine that ran 900 miles without recharging.

How did he know? J.P. Morgan, Thomas Edison, other wealthy and influential men of his day maligned Tesla, claiming monetary issues. More likely many did not understand his genius and were intimidated by it. In Edison’s instance, he was an asshole jealous of Tesla because as an inventor, Tesla was light years ahead of Edison.

Tesla realized there was an ionosphere decades before anyone confirmed it existed. Using it he invented a way to deliver free electricity to the world. But J.P. Morgan nixed the invention because there was no place to put a meter on it (and make money).

Chapter 38 of Identifying Time Travelers explores the life and inventions of Nicola Tesla. Even today, scientists, physicists and inventors do not understand much of his discoveries.

Legend has it that , as an infant,Tesla was found on a mountaintop in Croatia and was adopted by a local couple. How did he get there? Was Tesla a time traveler? Was he time manipulated? Find out in this new fascinating non-fiction book by Peter M Wright. Three years of research by Wright has uncovered anomalies in history and inventors using knowledge not available in their time.

Available now at Amazon Kindle Store. You can download it onto your Kindle, Tablet or laptop with the free Kindle reader for only $3.99.

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