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My Name Is Marcella and I am A Germ Freak

My name is Marcella and I’m a germ freak.

I have been a germ freak most of my life; at least as far back as I can remember. Not something I’m proud of; but it is what it is.

Along comes COVID-19 and I find The Man and me in “High Risk” Category. Me, simply because I “lived long enough to be wise” and The Man, also in the “lived long enough to be wise” category, who unfortunately has two underlying health issues . His issues are monitored regularly by his doctors (and me, by being bitchy, as needed).

I thought I would share with you what The Man and I are doing to minimize our exposure to COVID-19 (there are no known cases in our county at this time, but we live off a very busy freeway exit with lots of food establishments… just a matter of time…):

  1. The Man is staying home and I am limiting my outside exposure. (I try to schedule when less people are out – early visits to stores.)
  2. When I go out, I keep hand sanitizer in the car and use after every start. I try to touch items as little as possible.
  3. When out, I’m not touching others. So far, I’ve seen no one out who is visibly sick, but If I do, I’ll be avoiding them.
  4. Sanitize my debit cards. Carry my own writing utensils.
  5. Spray my keys with Lysol.
  6. When I return home from being in public my clothes go in the wash and I take a shower.
  7. I spray the soles of my shoes with Lysol.
  8. Washing our hands several times a day.
  9. Cleaning and sanitizing counter tops daily. I also spray the inside of the car and all handles after use.
  10. Spraying (with Lysol) knobs, light switches, handles, bathrooms daily – anywhere we touch regularly.
  11. Bathing daily and after going out in public places.
  12. Washing bed sheets every other day and only using bath towels once. Washing robes and everyday-wear items more often (every 2 to 3 days).
  13. Staying hydrated. One of The Man’s health issues requires that he drink 50 ounces of water a day; so I do the same.
  14. Eating more veggies and fruits.
  15. Consulting often and if I have a question.
  16. Using common sense and trying not to panic… not easy for a germ freak.

To all my friends, stay safe and use common sense.  Take care of yourself and take care of those who need your help, as common sense allows.

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