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The Breakfast of Champions: Beecher’s “World’s Best Mac n Cheese”

According to Kraft, Mac n Cheese is now a breakfast food… duh…

The Man and I have been eating mac n cheese for breakfast for years. Often leftovers from the day before. I seem unable to make a “small” casserole of mac n cheese; however, if The King of Sweden and his entourage happen by for dinner… good news… I’m ready… and if it’s just The Man and me… leftovers.

Today we decided to go totally decadent and had the World’s Best Mac N Cheese for breakfast. Lots of protein; lots of carbs and most importantly… lots of good old deliciousness… Everyone should have Mac n Cheese to start your day – the new Breakfast of Champions…

Recently the good folks at Beecher’s Handmade Cheeses sent me two of their frozen “World’s Best Mac n Cheese” dinners. Somehow, even though I had used Kurt’s recipe for years, I had never tried their frozen entree/side dish.

Unlike The Man, I have never been a fan of frozen entrees and side dishes. I prefer cooking from scratch even with the hassle of prepping and cleaning up. Plus most frozen prepared dishes have too much salt for my taste. The ease of using frozen food has never outweighed the nutrition and taste of “from scratch”.

The World’s Best Mac n Cheese has changed my mac n cheese life forever. I may never make mac n cheese from scratch again… that’s probably a stretch but now all I have to do is grab a 20 ounce frozen tray from the freezer, pop it in the convection oven and 30 minutes later, we have mac n cheese and no dirty pans to clean… it doesn’t get any better than this… plus it’s damned delicious. It proves there is truth in advertising.

For The Man and me it is the perfect size for a meal with a salad or as a side dish with an entree… especially Southern Fried Chicken.

Here is my review of Beecher’s Mac n Cheese.

I bought  a case of this frozen entree making it easy to have Mac n Cheese anytime The Man and I have the urge… which is often. We have to keep up our strength, what with everything we are doing during this “stay home” period – reading, playing poker, doing jigsaw puzzles, reading some more (I have now read 95 books in 2020 and just getting started…), doing crossword puzzles… all activities that require lots of Mac n Cheese.

Soooo, for Kraft to make it “official” that mac n cheese is for breakfast is hardly news around the Manse. With all due respect to Kraft, what would be news around the Manse would be that I was serving boxed Mac n cheese. I grew up on boxed Mac n cheese and my kids ate boxed mac n cheese and I sadly know for a fact that they still fix it for my grandkids…

You can buy Beecher’s Mac n Cheese at my Amazon Influencer store. Kurt’s recipe for the World’s Best Mac n Cheese is in his Pure Flavor Cookbook.

Regarding Pasta for breakfast:

Long before I became a Cheesemonger, I ate a lot of breakfasts at Hugo’s, a West Hollywood joint known for serving pasta and eggs for breakfast. My favorite was Pasta Mama, angel hair pasta with folded-in scrabbled eggs, fresh herbs and topped with lots of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano. Hugo’s is still at its original location with a second in Sherman Oaks… and the pasta dishes are still on the menu.

Here is my version of the dish served at Hugo’s., made using Tillamook’s Two-Year Vintage Extra Sharp Cheddar.

Please join our Facebook Cheese Study Group for up-to-date information regarding the ACS CCP Exam and other study suggestions. Check out my Cheese Education Page that deep dives into every domain within the ACS Body of Knowledge. Also follow our Instagram account for tips of prepping for the ACS CCP Exam. For my top Five books you need to read before sitting for the ACS CCP Exam, click here.

In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability. 

Beecher’s sent me a sample of their World’s Best Mac n Cheese. No other compensation was offered nor requested. All opinions are solely those of The Man, me and/or Spaulding Gray (2008-2013).

This post contains affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my store front. 


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