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Let Them Eat Chocolate

Beecher’s Cheese and Theo Chocolate Collection

You can still enter our terrific romantic Valentine’s Day giveaway at Instagram @cheesemonger1950. Giveaway ends at 11:45 tonight, January 21, 2022.

It’s free and it’s easy:

We’ve teamed up with Beecher’s Handmade Cheese and Mishima Reserve Wagyu Beef to give one lucky winner and partner a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner.

To enter the giveaway go to my profile on Instagram:
Like giveaway post on Instagram
Follow @cheesemonger1950 @BeechersCheese @MishimaReserve

One of the items in this giveaway is a collection of Beecher’s Handmade Cheeses and Theo Chocolates.

They were the first organic, fair trade certified chocolate maker in North America.

Founded in 2005 by Joe Whinney and Jeff Fairhall, Theo has strived to make the best chocolate treats and make the world better, one chocolate treat at a time.

One mission of the company is to buy cocoa with ethical sourcing. What is ethical sourcing? Theo sources their organic and fair-trade ingredients, when possible, from small holder farms. They partner fairly with cocoa and ingredient sourcing to pay living wages to support the growers’ communities.**

In 2020 all 1500 metric tons of coca they purchased came from the community of Watalinga in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.**

Every product recipe is thoughtfully developed with minimal ingredients. They avoid soy and sunflower lecithin and use cocoa butter to create their consistent texture. All ingredients are organic and kosher certified and always 100% soy-free**

The company blog has interviews with their farmers from around the world. I particularly enjoyed their “introduction” to Angel Dominguez, one of their Peruvian farmers.


You can find a collection of Theo Chocolates at my Amazon Influencer Storefront.

We’ve teamed up with Beecher’s Handmade Cheese and Mishima Reserve Wagyu Beef to give one lucky winner and partner a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner.

To enter the giveaway go to my profile on Instagram:
Like giveaway post on Instagram
Follow @cheesemonger1950 @BeechersCheese @MishimaReserve

A selection of Beecher’s CheesesWagyu Beef, Kurt’s Foodbooks, and Theo Chocolate can be found at my Amazon Influencer store front.

In addition to being a member of the Internationale Guilde des Fromagers (Jura and Garde) and an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.

This post may contain affiliate links from which I receive a small commission from any purchases you make through those links. I thank you for patronizing my amazon influencer store front. 

The Man’s third nonfiction book is available in my on amazon influencer storeIdentifying Real Time Travelers. In his own words: Identifying Real Time Travelers is not a novel. It is a nonfiction study of our history to prove Time Manipulators exist for reasons of their own and are, even now, affecting our Past, Present and Future. If Time Manipulation has been invented either in our past or our future, then because of the inventor’s new ability, through time, time travel will have always existed on Earth. This book seeks to answer these questions: Can time travel exist and if so how and why have the Time Manipulators chosen to affect us?”

It’s a fascinating read and you can buy it for your Kindle, Fire tablet or free Kindle reader for only $3.99. Of course, we hope you’ll buy it, enjoy it and leave a 5-star review on amazon.

In addition to Identifying Real Time Travelers, The Man has two other non-fiction book: Coroner’s Cold Case 81128: Marilyn Monroe and The JFK Conspiracies. Both available for purchase or you can borrow them through the amazon kindle unlimited library. His action adventure, Gold Fever is also available.

We created an “Author’s Page” on amazon and hope you will “Follow”.

#PeterMWright #TimeTravel #RealLifeTimeTravelers #Marilyn #ColdCase #MarilynMonroe #Conspiracy #JFK #GoldFever #CoronersColdCase81128 #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #Amazon #AmazonInfluencer

#MarcellaTheCheesemonger #AmazonInfluencer #Cheese #BeechersHandmadeCheese #Beechers #Flagship #JustJack #NoWoman #NewWoman #TheoChocolate #Wagyu #Beef #MishimaReserve #Chocolate #ValentinesDay #Instagram #Giveaway #Champagne #Prosecco #Cava #Bubbly #BeechersHandmadeCheese #BeechersCheese #BeechersLoft #Pasta&Co #SugarMountain #PureFood #PureFlavor #TheButchersTable #BeechersFoundation

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