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2018 ACS BOK Domain 10: Cheese Service Compiled by Adam Burstein ACS CCP

2018 ACS BOK Domain 10: Cheese Service Compiled by Adam Burstein ACS CCP

I will be doing domain 10 cheese service. It is not a very big section, so not a to go over, but I will go over the important parts.

As far as types of cheese service I will go over retail ones and restaurant ones.

For retail I consider there to be three types. Cut to order, where you go to the counter and ask for a certain weight of the cheese you want. Usually no pre packs, and they cut fresh from a wheel. There is your “cut and wrap” shops like Whole Foods and ,murrays shops inside Kroger stores. The cheese is still cut fresh from a wheel, but it wrapped and placed in a cold case. Still have a monger there to help, but not quite as fresh as cut to order. Last one is all cryovac and usually no monger to help.

I consider there to be three types of restaurant cheese service as well.

Most common one I see is just a cheese plate on the menu. You don’t get to choose between different cheeses. Some restaurants will rotate the selection, others will stick with cheese they use in other dishes and keep them the same.

Second type is also a cheese plate, but you get to pick a set number of cheeses from a list. It is usually 3,4 or 5 from the list.

Last kind of service is the cheese cart. A cart is brought around the restaurant with a bunch of different cheeses on it, and you select what you want.

I don’t think I really need to go into customer service, as I think it is pretty self explanatory. If you do have any questions about it though, feel free to ask me.

Last part of this section, and I think the most important is pairings. This section is tricky, because everyone’s taste are different. Here are the most common kinds of pairings though. Like with like, pairing opposites together, and lastly region with region.

An example of like with like would be pairing an espresso coated cheese with a beer or wine that has espresso notes in it.

Opposites would be something like sweet and spicy.

Last one is items that are made on the same area usually go well with each other.

I will go over taste in a little more detail tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to give a quick overview of the section tonight.

Here are a couple of really good pairing guides. One for beer and one for wine. These are just ideas, and not rules to follow 100% of the time. Everyone’s tastes are different, so there is really no right or wrong pairing. I stress region with region is the best way to go about it for the test. I would recommend learning the fresh wine regions so you know which French cheese to pair with them.

Marcella’s Wine and Cheese Pairings

Generic Cheese and Wine Pairings

Generic Beer and Cheese Pairings


Cheese Pairings

Chocolate pairings

Olive pairings…/

In addition to being an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional, I am a Certified ServSafe Food Production Manager with certifications that also include ServSafe Certified Instructor and Proctor. I am available for cheese events, cheese program development, cheese training, food safety training and 3rd party food safety auditing. See my About Me and Resume pages for more details or call me at 360 921 9908 to discuss availability.


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